
Coronavirus – Temporary work reduction for employees of “small” private employers


Dear cleaning specialists, dear private employers

Ladies and gentlemen

In relation to the COVID 19 outbreak and the measures taken by the Federal Council to contain it, there has been an increasing number of cases in recent weeks of private employers dispensing with the services of their cleaning staff.

These temporary work stops are often justified to protect employers and their families, as well as protecting the cleaners themselves from infection. It is also sometimes argued that the employers are currently at home due to coronavirus and therefore either do the cleaning themselves or do not want to be disturbed during the remote work (home office).

The loss of these work assignments and the associated income creates financial problems that threaten the existence of those affected in this particularly difficult time. These employees are mostly socially weak people, often with a migration background, who have hardly any financial reserves to get through this difficult time.

Many employers pay the usual salary despite the loss of work, but some assume that they can simply cancel the work order over the phone and leave their “cleaning lady” out in the rain. For those affected, this is often dramatic, as most of them only have a few such small jobs as a source of income.

To be fair, employers who do not need their cleaning staff due to the extraordinary situation should register them for temporary work reduction at the Arbeitsamt. This is the only way to give their employees the opportunity to have their entitlement at least reviewed, although the short-time working instrument was not designed for such cases.

You will find the form, in the link below, as well as the list of cantonal employment offices (Arbeitsamt) where you can pre-register your cleaning staff for temporary work reduction. Together and in solidarity we will overcome this crisis. Stay healthy!

Link : Search engine of the employment office of your canton

German – download PDF: Formular für die Voranmeldung von Kurzarbeit

French – download PDF: Formulaire pour les préavis de réduction de l’horaire de travail

Italian – download PDF: Modulo per il preannuncio di lavoro ridotto

You can also download it in Excel format:

EXCEL (German / French / Italian): Excel – Short-term job pre-registration form

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